Saturday, November 23, 2019

Appreciating: Thankful

This time of year is my favorite and least favorite holidays.  My favorite because I get days off of work to explore and do whatever I want.  Least favorite, because this time of year is a reminder of the cruelty humans have inflicted on each other and the cruelty humans continue to inflict on animals for the celebration of their "Thankfulness."  Most people are truly clueless when it comes to this. 
     Most importantly, my favorite and least favorite reason for liking this holiday is because my father passed away on Thanksgiving Day.  I think of him constantly and I am thankful that I had a father and I am thankful that I am vegan and no longer partake in the cruel tradition.  I actually do not sit down to a Thanksgiving-ish dinner at all.  I eat what I want in small portions and go about with the rest of my day.
    The blogs coming up in the next few days will be reflective about the year and life and observations in general.  Anyone who knows me or thinks they may know me (because no one does but me actually)  may find these blog entries insightful or boring.  Doesn't matter.  I am recording what I am experiencing and care to share while trying to maintain my minimum of 10 blog entries for the year.
     I laugh that I have continued to make that a resolution. To blog more.  I suppose it is because it is something that I would like to do and at the same time, it isn't important enough to me to accomplish, YET.

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