Saturday, August 26, 2017

Appreciating: The Power in People

I went to see the Jazz concert at the Museum of Contemporary Art and  I saw these two  people on a bench.  I  walked  passed them several times when  I felt the need to go over and  ask them  their  story.  I  simply walked over and  said," Hi, would  you tell me the story behind the braces?" She said  she was in a car  accident and was in a coma for six months and her ankle was effected.  The doctors gave her a wheel chair  but she refused  to  sit in it and so she  can walk now. She  told  his  story.  He was in a motorcycle accident and was in a coma for 4 months and  his knee has hyperextension.  Then  she  told  me, they met and got married and had a baby girl.  She named the daughter, Faith. She  said you have to have faith in yourself because no one is going to have it for  you. They come to the Jazz concert events often and sit in the first row.  I  hope you can tell from this picture she is a beautiful soul and he kinda just goes with the flow. I asked to take their  picture because I wanted t remember the power of them and their story.  I  offered to email them a copy, but she said they don't have email or fancy phones. They have  each other.

Lisanne Lyons in concert, Moca Jazz series  August 25, 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

Appreciating: Visit to the P.A.M.M.

I  decided to go to the Nu Deco Ensemble to present Sacred Geometry at the Perez Art Museum in Miami (PAMM)Sacred Geometry is a meditative electro-acoustic performance on visual sound patterns generated by resonances of sound waves with music by Ricardo Romaneiro and live visual projections by Christian Hannon. Before that event was a drink and dj event.  People just gather around outside the museum and  socialize.

I love the expression on her face in reaction to what is in the bag.

The museum featured a repeat  installation from their Opening day called For Those in Peril on the Sea (2011), an installation by Hew Locke.

Here is a video from my experience in the Haroon Mirza installation.  The  sound was suffocating after even a minute.

The light and sound performance of the Nu  Deco  Ensemble was serene and relaxing compared to the Haroon Mirza.


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