Friday, August 4, 2017

Appreciating: Visit to the P.A.M.M.

I  decided to go to the Nu Deco Ensemble to present Sacred Geometry at the Perez Art Museum in Miami (PAMM)Sacred Geometry is a meditative electro-acoustic performance on visual sound patterns generated by resonances of sound waves with music by Ricardo Romaneiro and live visual projections by Christian Hannon. Before that event was a drink and dj event.  People just gather around outside the museum and  socialize.

I love the expression on her face in reaction to what is in the bag.

The museum featured a repeat  installation from their Opening day called For Those in Peril on the Sea (2011), an installation by Hew Locke.

Here is a video from my experience in the Haroon Mirza installation.  The  sound was suffocating after even a minute.

The light and sound performance of the Nu  Deco  Ensemble was serene and relaxing compared to the Haroon Mirza.

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